Caring for the Walking Wounded in Burn Mass Casualty Incident

This website provides plans and just-in-time training for pre-hospital and medical personnel caring for the walking wounded following a mass casualty event. It can also serve as a resource for burn patients and their families caring for burns at home.

Walking Wounded

The basic triage prinicples and the identification of the walking wounded in a BMCI.

Burn Classification

Understanding burn classification before preforming assessmnet of TBSA of burns.

Assessing TBSA

How to assess the total body surface area impacted by 2nd and 3rd degree burns.

Treatment of Walking Wounded

An overview of treatment for the walking wounded with burn injuries.

Triage, Tip Sheets, and Other Resources

Training Modules

Burn Assessment and Classification

Review of the types and severity of burns and training on the assessment of burn injuries. (17:25)

Emergency Medical Response in a BMCI

The role of EMS in the care of urn patients in the event of a burn mass casualty incident (BMCI). (1:00:58)

In Practice: Arm

Video of a forearm burn being bandaged with Mepilex(R) Ag in the clinic.

In Practice: Hand

Video of a hand/finger burn being bandaged with Mepilex Ag in the clinic.

In Practice: Leg

Video of a thigh burn being bandaged with Mepilex Ag in the clinic.

In Practice: Foot

Video of a foot burn being bandaged with Mepilex Ag in the clinic.

Quick: Face and Ears (multiple dressing types)

Short video on dressing burns of the face and ears using different dressing types (2:07)

Quick: Neck and Mepilex Ag Transfer Dressing

Short video on dressing burns of the neck using Mepilex Ag Transfer dressing. (2:26)

Quick: Neck and Acticoat Dressing

Short video on dressing burns of the neck using Acticoat dressing. (1:33)

Quick: Neck and Silvadene Dressing

Short video on dressing burns of the neck using Silvadene dressing. (1:13)

Quick: Upper Extremity Burns and Mepilex Ag Transfer Dressing

Short video on dressing upper extremity burns, including hands and fingers, with Mepilex Ag. (6:00)

Quick: Upper Extremity Burns and Acticoat Dressing

Short video on dressing upper extremity burns, including hands and fingers, with Acticoat. (2:51)

Quick: Upper Extremity Burns and Silvadene Dressing

Short video on dressing upper extremity burns, including hands and fingers, with Silvadene. (2:11)

Quick: Torso Burns and Mepilex Ag Transfer Dressing

Short video on dressing burns of chest, abdomen and back with Mepilex Ag. (6:00)

Quick: Torso and Acticoat (mobile patient)

Short video on dressing torso burns in mobile patients with Acticoat. (2:26)

Quick: Torso and Acticoat (immobile patient)

Short video on dressing torso burns in immobile patients with Acticoat. (3:55)

Quick: Torso and Silvadene (mobile patient)

Short video on dressing torso burns in mobile patients with Silvadene. (1:49)

Quick: Torso and Silvadene (immobile patient)

Short video on dressing torso burns in immobile patients with Silvadene. (3:35)

Quick: Buttocks and Acticoat

Short video on dressing burns of the buttocks with Acticoat. (2:39)

Quick: Buttocks and Silvadene

Short video on dressing burns of the buttocks with Silvadene. (2:06)

Quick: Groin and Silvadene

Short video on dressing burns of the groin and genitalia with Silvadene. (1:59)

Quick: Lower Extremity Burns and Mepilex Ag Transfer Dressing

Short video on dressing lower extremity burns, including feet and toes, with Mepilex Ag. (3:40)

Quick: Lower Extremity Burns and Acticoat Dressing

Short video on dressing lower extremity burns with Acticoat. (2:31)

Quick: Lower Extremity Burns and Silvadene Dressing

Short video on dressing lower extremity burns, including feet and toes, with Silvadene. (2:24)


The State of Michigan Burn Coordinating Center is grateful to all who contributed to the development of this website. Without each of them, this site would not exist! The following are among those who have provided content, expertise, and support (in alphabetical order):

Contact Us

State Burn Coordinating Center of Michigan

734-936-BURN (936-2876)